One Year: A Retrospective.
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Tuesday, December 18, 2007
This will be my last GGC post of 2007 as I'm taking a two-week break to love on my family. (You can visit me over at Straight From the Bottle in the meantime. Will be blogging through December o'er there.) Thank you all for hanging out with me this past year, for reading and commenting and supporting and being ridiculously cool and good. It's been a very surreal year for me and I feel incredibly blessed. Strange things are afoot at the Circle K, as they say. Strange, wonderful things. Life is tre belle.
Holiday wishes to all and a beautiful and brilliant new year for you and yours.
*Music Credit: With Whom to Dance by: Magnetic Fields (covered above, by The Divine Comedy.) And also, because I'm all for showcasing the awesome of strangers: this version by a bunch of kids in the back of a car. Cute.

What a sweet video. :)
Wonderful pictures! He's change so much this year. Have a wonderful holiday!
Hope you guys have a great holiday! See you when you get back.
As I watched this video my little guy came up and said, "oh, there's my friend Archer."
Happy New Year, I hope great things continue to happen for you in 2008. I look forward to each post.
he really has grown up a lot this year. and i still love that picture of him in the seersucker suit... it makes me want to invite him home to meet my only daughter and feed him sweet tea and cookies.
sweet tea? you sound like a great mother. I hope you meant milk. AS IN Cookies and Milk!
Wishing you and your family a wonderful hoilday and I look forward to reading much more from you in 2008.
That was gorgeous! The song really fit the work. You are the bomb! xoxo
happy holidays, and see you in 2008!
Beautiful video and happy happy to all of you. XO
Enjoy the break!
Very nice video
Sweet sweetness. Happy merry, dear.
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