Site traffic? Who the hell needs site traffic? Ad revenue? Who cares? Because, guess where I am? I'm at the W in Chicago, waiting for BMC's plane to land so we can get this party started before the Bloghers descend upon this great city and all of my favorite mamas (and papas) appear before my eyes, some for the very first time and women will flood the pier like a tidal wave of estrogen and yeah, yeah, YEAH!
For those of you who will be attending Blogher, please remember to Confess Yourself at one of our various traveling "True Mom Confessions Booths" that will incidentally be traveling with us all over town/etc.

All confessors will be eligible for one of our feel-g00d-raffle prizes: The Cone. For those of you not familiar, The Cone is the ultimate in self-stimulation, because TMC takes care of it's lady friends. Oh yes. We do.
And if masturbation isn't your bag we will also be raffling off a Stila Makeup basket full of the freshest makeup for the loveliest blogger faces.
We will also be volunteering our dance skills to any and all Bloghers looking for a partner. Romi LOVES to limbo.
Tot-lifters of the wooooorld...
In the famous words of Morrissey (or someone equally as fabulous) ...
...Bottoms up, bitches.
Have fun lady! Can't wait to hear about it!
Hope you have a great time!
Dance with me! Dance with me!
-Rachel F
i love the W in chicago! try the ammaretto in the bar- they give you nearly a pint!!
ps- i always wanted a cone- are they really THAT good? i might purchase..
Since I can't be at BlogHer to meet you, I'll have to catch you on your book tour instead. Any chance you'll be raffling off The Cone then?
Have fun and dont disappoint with the gossip or pictures.
I live in Chicago and recently read your ode to piano bars. I would like to recommend an AWESOME piano bar for you to visit while in town. Go to Howl at the Moon, where you can get beers by the bucket and sing your lungs out! Have a fantastic time in the city!!
Welcome to Chicago. Or, as I like to call it, the best place on earth.
So, I want to know more about this Cone. :) Have a great time in Chicago!
hope you have a good time at blogher!
So what are you saying? if you win the Stila Makeup then you won't need the cone?
Don't know if this counts, but I loved hanging out at the TMC booth in Second Life this weekend! The pillows were c*o*m*f*y!
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