Actually, no. He takes his coffee like he takes his cereal, with a cup of vanilla soy-milk. His beer? Well, that's another story.
In other news: Last night I submitted the final chapter of my mommy manuscript with one day to spare. And for those of you who asked-- the book is scheduled for January '08 release and is called, "Rockabye: A Young Mom's Journey From Wild to Child." (Seal Press) I will be sneak-peaking the cover, soon, which is AMAZING. Designers gone done me good. Woo! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm about to go have a Rocky moment on the top of the Hollywood Sign.
Gonna fly noooooooow!
Yeah, you are almost there and we are just this closer to able to have you on our shelves. May we never see you in the bargain bin.
Congrats on finishing the book! Amazing! I can barely put together a coherent sentence nowadays!
I'm so glad to hear you're finished! I know that's a load off -- and just in time for BlogHer!
I really love the name of the book. Congratulations & I can't wait to see the cover and eventual book.
congrats on the book! i will definitely be looking forward to reading it.
/wipes tears from eye/
so proud.
and to think, you owe it all to me.
Congrats on finishing the manuscript, Rebecca!! (oh, and I got your email the other day and just haven't had a chance to write back yet!)
-Jessica (who, like archer, enjoys her coffee with vanilla soymilk)
What an accomplishment. I'll be looking forward to the Jan. release. I always look forward to a good read.
Congratulations, woman!
And the book release is perfect timing for me! I'll be home with the new little one and in those sleepless nights, I'll need something to crack open to keep me awake while the little one feeds.
Word. That's great.
Yay! I'm so thrilled for you!
Congratulations!!!! I'm thrilled for you - and can not wait to read your book!
Woooohoooo! Talk about lifting a huge weight off your shoulders by making your deadline, you totally rock! I'm so very very excited for you and sending you some major love!!
YEAH!!!!! Congratulations!!
*cyber five!*
Yeah, CONGRATS BEC! Mom told me yesterday you finished it! Yay! I'm so proud of you! I can't' wait to read it. I'm thinking of you and telling people how my sister has a book coming out, and just how awesome you are. Go celebrate! (i'm sure you are at this very minute) Love you lots!
With love, from Paris, your little sis,
Bossy finished her book too! Oh wait, the book she finished was written by someone else. Darn.
Anyway, congrats.
fantastic that you've delivered your m/s - wonder if it'll come out in the uk?
my friend showed me this funny story of true child obedience, check it out and let me know what you think.
Such amazing news about your book and I can't wait to buy it and tell all my friends to buy it too! :) Where will it be sold?
awesome, congratulations!!! I'm impressed/ excited/ teensy bit jealous/ mostly happy for you :)
I am whooing right along with you!!!
And look above - triple exclamation points. Used without irony. That's how much I am whooing.
wow. congrats! and a ring too? what a week!
Congrats, Bec. That's fantastic - can't wait to see the cover, and I love the title.
Wow!! You best be having a book party, and most importantly - invite me.
Total major congrats! It must feel great. And you have been working so. damn. hard! (And I know I owe you comments on the last batch... they're coming, it's just been a hell of a week.)
You did it! Like there was ever any doubt. You are an inspiration in a bezillion ways.
Feels sooooo good to get it done, doesn't it?
Top of the world, ma! Top of the world!
Now that you've had your Rocky moment, are you gonna eat lightning and crap thunder?
Congratulations, you fabulous writer!
Enjoy your down time. I'll bet your whole body is just floating upwards after all that pressure came off your back. And brain.
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