And here they are! In ACTION!

From left: Leo Tolsoy, William Shakespeare, Virginia Woolf and Charles "fire-crotch" Dickens.
In other news, True Dad Confessions is live! My favorite confession so far? "Yes, honey. Your ass does look fat in those jeans."
I knew it! Godamnit! I knew it!
I knew it! Godamnit! I knew it!
Ooooo -- I"ve been wanting to get these for Mr. PunditMom!
We have Famous Revolutionaries finger puppets...they are a big hit with kids and adults alike!
love virginia woolf.
I so want these.
I've been cruising through True Dad Confessions and the frequency of "my wife is hot", "I'm secretly gay", "I want anal", and "I've been thinking about an affair" confessions astounds me!
Okay, these crack me up. I buy fingerpuppets like crazy (for work! for work!), but these, I will skip.
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