Thank you for all of your words and kindness and support this last week. I'll be back to my ship-shape self soon, I promise.
In the meantime, check out all of the Good Mother posts. I am still updating excerpts, here. Thank you all for your beautiful and thought-provoking words. It's been a pleasure reading them and hearing from you.
And keeping up with the Good Mother theme, tomorrow's TRUE MOM CONFESSIONS radio show will be all about exposing your "mommawesomeness"...

...You can also download last week's show if you're interested: Is Infidelity the New Black ? with special guests, Esther Perel and Queen of Spain! (I didn't publicize it here because it was our first show and I was scared but (ahem) now that I'm an old pro... check us out!)
Tune in tomorrow and every Thursday @ 2:00 PST if you're interested... Each week our show will feature one TMC confession and include two special guests: an expert in the field and an "everyday" mom. Callers are also welcome to get in on the action so if you're in the mood to call in tomorrow and chat with Romi and I about being a Good Mother? Awesome! We'll be standing by, live from the NowLive studio deep in the 818, with special guests Catherine from Her Bad Mother and Developmental Specialist, Dona Holloran MSW, on the line.
Thank you all again. You rock.
have you seen the video of kermit singing "hurt" - it's hilarious :)
That song always made Bossy cry like a newborn. Now it makes Bossy cry like a toddler, so she supposes she's growing up. Finally.¤t=Video_051007_002.flv
Ali- Yes! I've seen it! Amazing!
Lauren-- Love the video. You're so cute.
Hey :) I know you don't know me at all, but I want you to know I have been thinking about you a ton this week. Not only am I sad for you and yours, but I also passed on the Tolstoy fact about Anna Karenina taking 17 drafts last night in conversation and attributed it to my new favorite blogger.
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