Screw Bugaboo!...Have you seen the Competition! I'm very excited about the new strollers, and I don't even need to use one anymore! Britax and Fisher Price both have Bugaboo Look a Likes, however, they have even more features, and the seats fold with the frame! You should check them out! The Britax Vigour, and the Fisher Price one is on Target and Walmart online~! noelle. p.s. love your blog! Super entertaining!
not smart on her part!
Sweeeet!! I say she is asking for you to steal it. Maybe she wants you to take so she can get a new Phil & Ted.
Yeah that's right, she wants you to take it. Then you can get some spinners for it.
Screw Bugaboo!...Have you seen the Competition! I'm very excited about the new strollers, and I don't even need to use one anymore! Britax and Fisher Price both have Bugaboo Look a Likes, however, they have even more features, and the seats fold with the frame! You should check them out! The Britax Vigour, and the Fisher Price one is on Target and Walmart online~! noelle.
p.s. love your blog! Super entertaining!
Helicopter!!! I am floored. Man, and Thalia just said cat. Laa-aame.
(PS Take the Bug. Just for a day or two. Joy ride, you know?)
Interesting blog!
We'd love to have the chance to review it on our new site!
We're looking for bloggers willing to be our first!
buggy envy - an ugly uuuuugly sight! (trouble is you'd have to get a respray or you wouldn't get away with using it ...
What the hell!
Why doesn't she just leave a bag of money out on the porch (front step, side of the house, whatever) and be done with it?
Yup! Exactly.
You sure there's not a Kryptonite lock on it or something?
What a ditzy doofus!
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