Straight From the Bottle Recaps
We Used To Call it Fashionably Late: But now we just call it, "being the parent of a toddler"
Archer's First Way-Older Girlfriend: Boy meets girl. Mom can't handle the truth.
ASL: Archer as a Second Language (includes a new Archerfilm in shitty-as-usual quality)
I also want to say congratulations to Kristen of Motherhood Uncensored fame, on her new baby boy, Drew Douglas. Mazel Tov, mama!
Why did I not know that Bert only has one eyebrow?
Sesame Street just ain't the same in French... (Rue de sesame)...
You ARE a woman after my own heart!
Hi, I'm de-lurking because I have to say that I have a 19 month old son who won't speak English either! In between Mamamamama, it's "Gugh? ghnshguggung?" I think he's just too busy learning how to break into every child proofing device we own and climb on every possible surface in the house to bother with a vocabulary!
Awesome, Christy! We should get them together for a Babble-off.
That is a fantastic idea for a weekly post!
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