Just got back from Vegas. Read comments from last post. Am not pregnant. Am still exhausted. And a little bit sick. Have bruises all over my body for some reason. Had fun. A lot. Somehow thought it was a good idea to pay $80 for a stretch Hummer to take us from The Hard Rock Hotel to the Wynn which is like three blocks. Not so smart. P.S. I hate Hummers. If I can find any appropriate photos to post on flickr I will. Saw Drea De Matteo walking around with a man who was wearing a shirt that said "Drea De Matteo." Was one suit away from a Royal Straight Flush. Almost cried because of this. My hair smells like cigars. I only lost twenty dollars. And one button. Have headache. Am unable to distribute any more details as not to get into trouble. Am not pregnant. I repeat, am very much not-with-child.
So let me rephrase: Think nerve.com for those of us who have-at-one-time-been-knocked-up.
And now in typical Las Vegas fashion, I will proceed to take thirteen shots of Espresso and pull another all-nighter... except this time it will be so I can finish my work.
Clarification: Am Not Pregnant. Do Have Morning Sickness
Posted by
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Hummer is owned by GM. You love Sean Hannity, don't you.
Royal straight flush = royal flush. No need to say "straight".
That said, I love that you played table poker. You rock. Glad you had fun.
Am not pregnant either. But, am jealous of your good time. And of your almost royal flush. My heart broke a little for you when I read that.
MGM- Thank you. No wonder the people were giving me the eye when I was like "ROYAL STRAIGHT FLUSH ALMOST DUDE I OH MY GOD!" over and over. I'm such a loser. Oy.
And Sean Hannity rocks my world. Makes me want to pour gasoline all over myself and light a match. Obvy.
Hey~~ Not to scare you, but if you are feeling crappy and are finding bruises all over, go see a doc. Really.
Hey, we all just had to make sure you were or weren't in the family way once again.
No one wants to be left out of the mass mazel tov-ing if and/or when that happens! 8-)
I get those bruises all the time. Just once, I'd like to know where one of those suckers came from.
I admire that you still can get time for yourself...you actually intrigue me...thanks, I need it!
Avalon- it always happens when I go out drinking. (The bruises) I think maybe because when I drink I dance. A lot. And I'm pretty sure at one point I was doing the worm (which can be painful in the midst of so many stilletos.)
Momo- Not that I'm any kind of expert on "time for yourself" BUT I think its so important to have some alone/girl/away from husband/away from child time. It's so easy to sacrifice it all and who says we have to? Life's too short. Making time for ourselves is never a bad thing. I think finding time for (to be) ourselves is important for us and for our families.
Just reading about Vegas makes me feel hungover. You might want to investigate those mystery bruises.
Also...royal straight flush is a tad redundant. Royal Flush is all you need to say.
oy! I'm going to Vegas in February. I'd better prepare...
sounds like an awesome time! vegas scares me.
I was wondering waht Drea was up to after Joey got canned.
Sounds like a good time was had. I'm going in Feb., though it will be the longest I've been away from the babes (5 nights!) - eeek!
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