My Heart (Looks a Little Like Nicole Richie)

If you ripped open my chest to look in at my heart, this is what you would see :

A tiny-little boy's face with giant sunglasses, smiling at the ceiling fan. A drooly-chinned Archer clad in striped pajama jumpsuit laughing away behind the largest sunglasses five bucks at the Melrose Trading Post could buy. I have come to the conclusion that one, if not THE greatest part about being a parent is being able to dress your child up like the the anorexic celebrity of your choice. Today I chose you-know-who.

But seriously, if I had it my way, every day would be baby-in-large-plastic-sunglasses-day.

And so it's like this. Instead of crying over my hipsterectomy, I will rejoice in the cool that exudes from my heart-- striped, sunglass-ed and smiling.

Single hipsters that rock the newest hot-spots may *appear cooler* but my heart wears bigger sunglasses. And they're red, too. With a little gold thing on the sides.



Anonymous | 9:15 PM

He's a little too meaty to pass as Nicole, but maybe that's why I WANT TO EAT HIM. Delish.


I bet they weigh about the same, actually.

motherbumper | 5:35 AM

Didn't I just see him on WWTDD? He is so ready for the papparazzi.

Anonymous | 5:51 AM


he's so adorable!

Anonymous | 6:36 AM

HAHA I just love "hipsterectomy"


Anonymous | 6:51 AM

You are cool by association, GGC. Because really, who's cooler than Archer? As always, he's The MAN!

Leigh C. | 7:03 AM

I'd love for every day to be baby-in-large-plastic-sunglasses day, too, except that my son always HATED wearing them.

Oh, well, a mom can dream...

Anonymous | 8:37 AM


Archer's so cute I just had to take a bite. I love the silly little smile.

Emery Jo | 11:32 AM

cutie patootie!!!

I have a cheese-puff shaped heart.

mmm.... i love me my cheese-puffs.

foodiemama | 1:18 PM

he's too cute!

kittenpie | 2:35 PM

Are you sure that's not Elton John?

Anonymous | 7:23 PM

There is something so heartbreakingly cute about that top photo..I'm not sure if it's the styly side part or the jaunty half-grin or the peek of eyeball behind the enormous frames. But - so cute.

Kristen | 11:55 AM

Archer is so awesome.