A tiny-little boy's face with giant sunglasses, smiling at the ceiling fan. A drooly-chinned Archer clad in striped pajama jumpsuit laughing away behind the largest sunglasses five bucks at the Melrose Trading Post could buy. I have come to the conclusion that one, if not THE greatest part about being a parent is being able to dress your child up like the the anorexic celebrity of your choice. Today I chose you-know-who.

But seriously, if I had it my way, every day would be baby-in-large-plastic-sunglasses-day.
And so it's like this. Instead of crying over my hipsterectomy, I will rejoice in the cool that exudes from my heart-- striped, sunglass-ed and smiling.
Single hipsters that rock the newest hot-spots may *appear cooler* but my heart wears bigger sunglasses. And they're red, too. With a little gold thing on the sides.
He's a little too meaty to pass as Nicole, but maybe that's why I WANT TO EAT HIM. Delish.
I bet they weigh about the same, actually.
Didn't I just see him on WWTDD? He is so ready for the papparazzi.
he's so adorable!
HAHA I just love "hipsterectomy"
You are cool by association, GGC. Because really, who's cooler than Archer? As always, he's The MAN!
I'd love for every day to be baby-in-large-plastic-sunglasses day, too, except that my son always HATED wearing them.
Oh, well, a mom can dream...
Archer's so cute I just had to take a bite. I love the silly little smile.
cutie patootie!!!
I have a cheese-puff shaped heart.
mmm.... i love me my cheese-puffs.
he's too cute!
Are you sure that's not Elton John?
There is something so heartbreakingly cute about that top photo..I'm not sure if it's the styly side part or the jaunty half-grin or the peek of eyeball behind the enormous frames. But - so cute.
Archer is so awesome.
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