Today some old-and-hairy dude pulled over while I was taking a stroll with Archer and the dogs and asked me if I wanted another.
"Huh? Another?"
"Another baby," he said. "I would be happy to give you one." *WINK*WINK*
Unfortunately he drove off before I had the chance to laugh in his face for being such an assfarm*.
Do old-fogie-perverts think women like them to pull over and offer their sad-shriveled-sperm? I mean? What's even the point?
Let's just say hypothetically speaking I said:
"Why yes, sir! I would love to have your baby! In fact, hold these baggies of dog-poop for me while I strip naked right here in the middle of the street!"
I have a feeling he would have driven away even faster, which could only mean, Poopmonkey wanted to either: A. Pay me a compliment (seriously doubt it) or B. Make me feel like a victim. Unfortunately for him he C. Embarrassed himself.
Now I will feel sorry for him for .02 seconds.
Okay, I'm done.
...Oh and speaking of men who embarrass themselves (And yes, this is real):
*Assfarm (adj) -- A person BIGGER than an asshole, and completely full of shit. Horseshit and cowshit and sheepshit and chickenshit. And rotten eggs. And other stuff that stinks.
And The Award For Worst Pick-Up Line EVER Goes To...
Posted by
Wednesday, November 15, 2006

As. If.
Also, I am SO using assfarm in a sentence today.
Oh my god. Capitalism can be soooo fucking creepy. That dude is messed up.
Ugh. You should have thrown the dog poop at him. That would have been funnier. What an ass-clown (that's my favorite word!).
Eww. I have no idea what enters some people's brains! I wish you snapped a pic so we could all make fun of him!
OK...what was that??? ROFLMAO... I'm so glad I've left the corporate world. I'd be fired by now!
The sad thing is? That guy doesn't have such a bad voice. God. I hope they paid him well.
Dude. That guy needs a hug and a punch in the face and a record deal ALL AT ONCE. I feel so conflicted.
LMFAO omg..i had a creepy old guy at a mall say the exact same thing to me when my oldest was like 3 months old. I was 19 and this guy had to be about 40+ . *shudders*
PLEASE tell me that song is intended to ironic ... it isn't, is it?
I wish it was, Mad Muthas. I wish it was.
*DEFINITELY adding Assfarm to my vocabulary... And people wonder how words are added to the English language? BINGO! We have a winner!*
And on a side note, I get hit on while with my baby ALL THE TIME. I recently posted one of the more amusing attempts on my blog:!419C96F45030BED7!7119.entry
What is it about a mom? What is the MILF factor? What is it about a woman with a snotty baby by her side that makes her approachable? Someone please tell me!!!!! Let's bottle it, sell it, and make a fortune!
I got asked out twice while pregnant. I guess there really is a healthy glow. (okay not related, but I never get asked out so it is a big deal to me)
Anyway, i get cat called by homeless dudes all the time on the way to work. I think to myself, what about that is suppose to make me want to play "hidethesausageintheshower".
the best was the other day i was crossing the street looking at this guys cavalier that he had totally pimped out. i was thinking to myself how silly it all was when i looked up and he was looking at me over his glasses nodding his head as if to say. "yay baby, want a ride. These cold chains could be yours." I accidentally laughed at him.
25 out of 25 associates in my department at b-of-a thought that clip was hilarious too.
He MEANS what he is singing, and that is WHY it's so sad.
If I get an erection while watching this video, does that mean I am sick?
Assfarm! WAYYY better than asshat. And so totally my new favorite word.
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