Walking in L.A

Walking in L.A.
Walking in L.A(eee)
SOMEBODY walks in L.A.

A to the Men.



Birchsprite | 2:28 AM


Archer is a star!!!

Anonymous | 4:44 AM


pppsssssssssst. Archer. your secret is out buddy. :)

Wendy | 5:20 AM

Way to go!!!!

Anonymous | 6:06 AM

Wooo! Go Archer!

Keri | 6:16 AM

Yay!!! You da man, Archer!

Avalon | 6:18 AM

Not only does he walk----but he walks IN SAND! Gotta give it to him!

Anonymous | 6:20 AM

Woohoo!! Mama- your world just got a whole lot smaller......

Anonymous | 6:29 AM

Congrats, Archer! Welcome to the wonderful world of being a biped.

And GGC? Damn, I love a woman who quotes "Missing Persons" lyrics from 1981. Rock on!

kittenpie | 6:33 AM

Go, Archer! Look at that little dude motor. I love it.

Chicky Chicky Baby | 6:39 AM

Yippee! Go, Archer, Go!

Next it will be Run, Archer, Run.

Jonathon Morgan | 6:41 AM

Hell yeah, dude!

Anonymous | 7:19 AM

Whoo! See Archer. See Archer walk. Walk, Archer, walk!

motherbumper | 7:20 AM

SWEET! Woot woot! GGC - you in so much trouble girl ;)

Bumper thinks the A man is even sweeter with this new found mobility.

Anonymous | 8:03 AM

Awweee. . . what a great shot you caught. He is growing up mama *sniff*. I love how when he does walk it is as if he as been doing it forever. *wink wink*

We had so much fun with you guys! You know when you have to fish hay out of every crevice a good time was had.

The Bean | 8:19 AM

Woo Hoo! Work it, little man!

Anonymous | 8:33 AM

Nice job, little man!

Anonymous | 8:37 AM

CONGRATS Archer! And congrats to Mama, now you can dive in to big boy shoe shopping!

Chicky | 8:56 AM

Woot! Go, Archer, cuz you're walkin, Go Archer, cuz you're walking...

Yay Arch-man!

Anonymous | 9:36 AM


Elissa L. | 9:43 AM

Rock On Little Man. The world is yours for the taking now!

MrsFortune | 9:55 AM

That's so great for Arch! Go little man.

Jacob hasn't rolled over yet. I'm worried sick, honestly. So I know how you must have felt.


WOOOOOHOOOOOO!!! Thanks, dudes and dudettes!

P.S. Archer has this to say:

haksdiy7968o3444444oqr5 P{:"


Hee. Hee.

Anonymous | 10:14 AM

Yay! Beck didn't even express an interest until about 17 months. Now you have to try and explain to him that running into the street is a bad idea. Good luck with that...

PunditMom | 10:17 AM

Now the REAL fun begins!

j.sterling | 10:18 AM

LOL- woo hoo!!!! now mom gets to RUN and CHASE!!

Bringing Up Ben | 10:55 AM

Go Archer, get busy, it's your birthday!
*does Cabbage Patch dance*

foodiemama | 11:21 AM

yeah archer!!!!!!

Mom101 | 11:49 AM


Thalia loves a man who's quick on his feet.

Anonymous | 11:54 AM

Work it- you little "scotty" you!

Anonymous | 11:55 AM

~jjlibra (duh)

Anonymous | 12:17 PM

I knew he had it in him.

Binky | 1:03 PM

Must be something in the air! It's a cross-country wind blowing. I can't get over how cute it is watching my own stumble along. It's a new era, it really is.

Anonymous | 1:21 PM

and..... He's..... UPRIGHT!! Woo-Hoo, and my condolences.

Anonymous | 3:15 PM

enjoy this whole new level of ugh. or i mean, enjoy the moment while it's sweet.

oh, and mazel tov, archer!

Christina | 3:44 PM

Go Archer! No lookin' back now!

Anonymous | 4:23 PM

Wooo Hoooo!!!!!!!! GO Archer Go!

Anonymous | 4:47 PM

Yeeeehaw. Kiss your sanity goodbye, mom!

Chris | 7:44 PM


moe berg | 10:49 PM

immediately place everything in your home just a little higher.

Anonymous | 7:30 PM

Congrats, big guy!

Anonymous | 5:28 AM


Bye bye Robeez :(

Domestic Slackstress | 11:22 PM

Hey ... I walk in L.A. with my three kids, ages 5, 3 and 2. But we're always the only ones walking within sight. My kids are actually used to the shitty ass L.A. traffic too. I think they are developing dents on the backs of their flaxen haired heads b/c of all that smoggy traffic time they log in their cookie crumb encrusted car seats.