MSN Represent

I'm famous!



Anonymous | 12:26 PM

I have this printed out and hanging on my fridge from months ago when I found it on baby center's website! I love it!!

Anonymous | 1:01 PM

WOW! You go girl :)

Anonymous | 1:21 PM

Beautiful list, Rebecca. By the way, you've always been famous in my book.

Anonymous | 2:25 PM

We can say we "knew you when." ;) Congrats...that's too cool.

ms blue | 2:27 PM

That is Fan-Tastic! Everything on your list is so true. Congrats!

*Tanyetta* | 2:50 PM

You are so right on with that list. I'm telling all my mommy friends to check out the page! woo hooo.......i finally know a famous person. ;)

Chicky Chicky Baby | 5:30 PM

Hooray for you! I'm so proud.

Amy | 5:38 PM

Congrats! This is SOOO COOL. I can admit it, I'm terribly jealous. :)

Chris | 6:30 PM

Way cool! Can I have your autograph? Just kidding.

You're a very talented and funny writer. You deserve this MSN article and SO MUCH more.

Mom101 | 7:02 PM

Hooray for Rebecca!!!

And yet, I'm not surprised for a moment. You're so talented, your stuff should be in any magazine of your choosing.

Anonymous | 7:03 PM

You are the WOMAN, GGC! Remember us when, k?

Anonymous | 8:13 PM

Hooray to GGC!

Kacey | 9:15 PM

Hooray!! I read the writings of a famous author on a daily basis. Oh, wait, so does everyone else that reads. And I've been doing that for a long time. (you know, Dr. Suess, Judy Blume, and Mary Higgins Clark) And, well, that doesn't seem quite as impressive as it did when I first thought of it. So much for calling my friends with big bragging rights. Anyway, congratulations! The list is awesome.

Gina | 10:07 PM

Good find! So so so so so so True!!!

Gina | 10:09 PM

I mean, good work GGC! Sorry I am an idiot. But again, your words, SO TRUE! Thanks for putting it in writing... and getting is published! It's going on my fridge too!

Chicky | 12:04 AM

DUH! We always knew you were famous!

Her Bad Mother | 8:58 AM

Um, DUH.

So well deserved.

Anonymous | 11:02 AM

Oh My God! Someone in my family forwarded that to me! What a coincidence. I can't believe you wrote it. How cool is that?

It is a beautiful list.

Anonymous | 2:18 PM

Um. It's about time the world caught up with you - your superstardom is apparent to us - looks like the world is finally figuring that out.

jess | 5:10 PM

i agree with MD (and everyone else who commented), your famosity is not dependent on your kick-ass, beautiful, emotional, sweet, tear-jerking (etc,etc,etc) list

Lisa | 6:00 PM

I clicked on the link. That was a wonderful!

Stacy | 6:41 PM

Great stuff. Way to go!!

Anonymous | 10:38 PM

Girl! You all wise and shit! Awesome!

Anonymous | 2:41 PM

You are so right about being afraid and no longer fearless. I lie awake nearly every night in bed terrifying myself about bad, bad things.

Anonymous | 10:47 AM

just found your list!