Archer gets a lesson in walking from Auntie Jasmine

Paperboy with the Ditttttttttty...

The Boy and the Pushcart

Popping the Hood to Show Off His Custom Engine

Archer and Zadie: Stoop there it is!

Archer Sage By: Jeurgen Teller for Marc Jacobs

Um, Mom... Are you Seeing This?

The Sleepy Rub/Sad Face

Long Day at the Shoot...

You are killing me! I love the hat. Archer just keeps getting cuter man!
Hold on. Let me pick up my computer pieces after I just spiked it on the ground he's so freaking cute.
ADORABLE! Loved the photo shoot!!
he is always so stylin'! and the hat, oh the hat!!! Nary a grass stain even!
That little guy is so hip. Adorable!
(Oh, and those are some cute pups as well!)
That photo of Archer sprawled out on the couch really could be a Juergen Teller pictorial for Marc Jacobs. Too funny, GGC. You crack me up.
Is that...? Could it be...? The beginnings of crawling?
So adorable, I can hardly stand it.
He is so stinkin cute that its not even funny....
I can't stand all the cuteness! Will he take out my daughter in 15 years?
That first picture made me snort!
Wants us that hat. Bad.
Are you sick of me saying how frikkin gorgeous he is??? Cause he is, you know...
I know he may be promised to Thalia, but if i ever have a girl could he at least take her on a date?
*My son has the same pushcart thingie*
He is just too cute! Even with the drool!
What totally cute photos. It looks like our boys are about the same age. I have a 10 month old. :)
I think my ovaries just exploded when I saw that tired/rubbing eyes photo. That face gets me every time.
you already know all the photos are awesome- you do such a good job of presenting them too
what you MUST tell me is, where do you get the cow print car seat cover????
Ah... the cowseat. Bought as is. Britax carseats have all different prints. That one was my favorite :)
Man, I love me a stylin' baby. The hat! The turtleneck! WHERE are you shopping?
I can't even believe how old he looks in just a month. And I love the photo where it looks like his head on Zadie's body. Heh.
My boy Cricket has a similar hat (not quite as coolas yours) and people LOVE it. Grown biz men stop and tell us how cute it is. I'm always surprised by how much attention it receives but after seeing how cute your boy looks in one, I now know why!
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