Today, stopped at a crosswalk in Beverly Hills I watched in pure awe as a woman crossed Wilshire Blvd with her shirt up around her neck, breastfeeding her newborn with a cell phone to her ear. Without hesitating, she kicked open the door to
Barneys and disappeared, bare-tits flapping in her eager-to-shop wind....
...See? There are talented women who live in L.A.
That is the most awesome thing I've heard all day. Take THAT, Fred Myer!! HAH!
That is fucking hilarious. Thank you for that.
SO funny. That's it, I'm moving to LA.
i know i've said it before,
but i dig your blog.
...and the next time someone asks you if you're a nanny, just tell them you play one on TV.
they'll buy it.
Wow. Fucking hilarious. I would start, but there are no words, really.
Bloody brilliant!! I love that woman! Brings a whole new meaning to the term 'multi-tasking'!
I'm very impressed with her ability to not let breastfeeding impede the inherent instinct to SHOP, come rain, snow, or lactation!
Multi-tasking, indeed! If you don't already have one, you should get yourself a camera phone. You could get that woman on the Glamour "Don'ts" page.
So I guess it's now questionable taste, luxury, humor?
Oh well, I guess so many gazongas are exposed in LA every day that what's a couple more?
That is one determined shopper mom!
Wow I felt cool shopping in Target w/my shirt up to my neck as I nursed my then newborn and pushed the cart at the same time. Imagine how cool I would have felt if I could have been shopping at Barneys.
You want titties? Check it! http://scarbiedoll.blogspot.com/2005/10/tale-of-two-titties.html
I live in the wrong city.
Okay, I can only imagine the bizarr-o googlers who will stop by here as a result of this post. I shudder to think. I'm with Mrs. Davis. A camera phone (at least for my amusement) is definitely in order.
I've only ever seen bare boobs in Santa Cruz. Three women, no shirts, linked arms, walking through Pacific Garden mall. It was obviously "a political statement" of some sort. (They looked terribly uncomfortable too.)
It would have been MUCH cooler if they were breastfeeding. I'd love to see someone get shot in the eye by an errant squirt.
I can't say I've ever seen anyone feeding with their shirt up around their necks and both sides free! Most women are pretty much just lifting up one side. Huh. She must be the soul sister of the lady who likes to ride her bike around topless in the annex here. At least topless is legal here, though. I love that she kicked open the door to Barney's. Way to make an entrance!
No way.
good for her, and how L.A.
what i want to know is, was she wearing heels?
Yes! She was rocking the sweats and heels deal, which... is bleh and she had an enterouge of nannies (or were they?) hmmmmm....
Fantastic! See, who says nursing has to keep you tied down?
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