GGC Sunday Montage Presents...

Archer and the signature sleepy-eyed, head-tilt



Anonymous | 1:34 PM

Aw. Cute baby on fancy highchair. Perfection.

Chicky Chicky Baby | 5:44 PM

Too cute!

Her Bad Mother | 6:26 PM

I feel exactly that way after a good meal, too. I'm not nearly that cute, tho', so the passing out at the table doesn't go over so well.

Anonymous | 9:23 PM

Sooo cute.

Cool highchair.

Stacy | 5:53 AM

I love, love, love seeing pics of Archer!

Anonymous | 1:08 PM

i actually witnessed this live. archer is the best in indicating that he's ready for a snooze. he tilts his head up, rubs his eyes and bingo....asleep. no whining, crying, fussing, just that and out like a light. this kid ain't real!

Anonymous | 1:53 PM

Love it!
My friend runs the nursery that my baby goes to and she sent me a video on her mobile of Sylvie like a nodding dog in the highchair. I could hear all the staff cackling in the background. How cruel!

*Tanyetta* | 8:11 PM

I love it. Exit Stage Left. And he's OUT! LOL

Amy | 10:44 AM

TOO CUTE! Where'd ya get that hip high chair?

Anonymous | 9:01 PM

Oh I wanted that highchair! I see it must be pretty comfortable too!