Archer tried his new joke on Thalia. She laughed, of course, polite as she was, even though it was not as funny as it could have been:

So a twenty one month-old walks into a bar and he orders a bottle of breast milk, straight up...

... Says the bartender, sorry kid, our wet nurses all called in sick. How about a juicy-juice? Heh, heh, heh...
Um, yeah. Archer's back in his highchair working on the punchline.
Please see Mom-101 for her encore presentation: Babies on a Couch: A One Act. Sing it with me: "West coast boys and Easssstteeeeern giiiiiiirlssss. Eastern Girls..."
Mad Love to my lovely lady friend and thank you for kicking it old school with the fam. Twas delightful.
They are SOOOOO cute. You need to arrange their marraige for later down the road!
I love me some archer and thalia.
*sigh* too cute.
They make a lovely couple.
Very cute...
He's such a charmer and he couldn't have picked a better object of affection. They are too sweet for words.
They look so cute together! Cute!
HA!!! So funny that we both went for the bartender joke. Something about his face...just looked like he was telling jokes. Or maybe we're just hopeless hacks. And thanks again to A for letting T drive his car. SO very LA.
So, SO jealous of the quality mom-time. And the kick-ass t-shirts. And the advanced comedic skills being demonstrated by that mad cute boy (WonderBaby is still working the raspberries and farts. Which work very well on her immediate audience - me - but still.)
Sounds like you ladies had a good time. The pics are adorable!
Very cute! Was it hard to breath with all that cuteness in one room?
What a lucky couple of kiddos!
Too cute, and you're both right, that is definitely a joke telling face, and Thalia looks as if she is just waiting for the punchline.
Jealous, of course. Having coffee with intelligent women who have also chosen to breed is high on my list of good things.
East coast grannie and grandpa are kvelling. (Is a translation necessary?)
Wooooo!!! Hey eastcoast grandfamily!
Which china pattern did they want? the Kate Spade one? I can only afford 2 plates but do you think they'll like it?
the only way they'd be cuter is with hats from me on their heads.
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