Looking for an amazing gift for your baby's momma's momma and/or baby's daddy's momma? Look no further: The lovely lady at Jellie Joolz will cook you up the perfect gift for Gramz. Or if you're the kind of mom who OD's on the I HAVE CHILDREN merchandise, (no comment) Jellie Joolz will cook you up the perfect gift for yourself! My Momz and Momz in law both wear one proudly AND HOW! All you have to do is pick your design, send your photos or email jpgs and Viola!
... Because Grandmothers are allowed to OD on I HAVE A GRANDCHILD merchandise. Go here. Dig.
cute thanks, the grandmas will totally flip on this.. great idea. thanks
Saw your MIL wearing this proudly.
She bragged about it and shoved it in my face so I could marvel at your boy wonder.....Just adorable
Very cool idea.......
LOL. I will have to check that out. If you like that shit, check out this (I even carry one):
and yes... I walk around with the big bag with my child's head on it. And I loooovvvveee it :)
PS I love the jewels!
Last one, I promise.
ME LIKEY!!!!!!!!!
Course now I'll have to carry around their damn business cards because EVERYDAY at least 3 people as me about the bag and I know they are going to ask me about the bracelllleeettttt now too.
my Mom has begged me for years not to make her a grandma before age 50, two more years to go. It's her fault for having me so young.
My Mom turned 50 a few weeks ago. I think young Grandmomzing is cool. You (Will) should buy your Mom a bracelet with pictures of what your future children will look like. (in 2+ years) That would be so 2050.
I love the fact that I can now give both mine and the hubby's mas gifts with B's face on it and it is like giving them diamonds!
My MIL lives for this kind of stuff, but my mom is a totally different story...
well, at least now I have one momz day gift done.
I LOVE my Archer bracelet!!! It is the best Grandma gift EVER!!!
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