Dearest Cooper and Zadie,
This will not come as a surprise to you but ever since we brought Archer home from the hospital, you are no longer considered, "the kids" but rather second-class citizens of the GGC household. It might have something to do with the fact that you are actually, dogs, which for three years BA (before Arch) we all thought otherwise.
I know that there was a time when I showered you with love and attention constantly, when we spooned in my bed and hiked five days a week and went on long drives together and I know those days have passed. You are no longer allowed on the couch or in the bed and we haven't been hiking in weeks. Months? I guess it's just what happens, dogs. Baby moves in = dogs get the shaft and I don't want to player hate on all you all but I just don't have the cuddle time like I did in my previous life.
All I can say is that I still think you are both pretty cool, even if I wash my hands after I pet you now and subject you to Archer's collar-pulling, tail-yanking, ear-biting, paw-slapping. Even if I forget to wash your dishes and give you treats when I come home from the grocery store and am less patient when you sniff every blade of grass when we are walking.
You see, Archer is a time-consuming young person. He may be small but he has quite a large presence, kind of like you, Zadie.
Please don't look at me with those sad, droopy eyes. It's all downhill from here until Archer's old enough to take my place as playmate.
Until then, please don't take it personally. You will always be my dogz.
Dear Dogs: An Apology Letter of Sorts
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Monday, February 20, 2006