It was a baby shower gift for Archer, although I have to say, for a minute I thought it was for me. Ahem. I believe his is a Carters Caterpillar but
I see them around. It works like this: you attach it to something, pull it (to make it longer) and it vibrates back to its original size. Ahem, ahem, ahem.I was a bit apprehensive at first. Albeit pretty darn cute, it's, well... Kind of "adult" in size, shape, action. As long as the kid loves it and it helps him nap during the day I got nothing but love for Mr. Stretchvibracaterpillar thing and totally recommend him to GGC readers.
God, who's cuter, you or Archer?? You *are* a MILF, sweetie.
As for the stretchy vibrating toys, we love 'em. We've got a bee and a turtle. The bee has crinkly wings and is also good for noshing.
Glad to hear Archer's napping!
ooooooh, a bee? a turtle? gosh, peeps be making a vibrating zoo in the hizouse. We are going to have to make a trip tp ye olde toy store and pick up the rest of the animal kingdom. Thanks!
a trip *to* ye old toy store. perhaps "tp" was a freudian slip, as the TP is another recommended toy.
I once had a vibrating penguin pillow from Avon. It helped me take good naps ahem too :)
You are one funky momma. I linked you on my blog.
You're so cute, GGC. *And* you look good in hats! If we lived closer, I'd totally mom-date you.
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