Packing up the last few boxes, here. Archer is asleep in our bed, on the soft pillow under his blankie.
We let him sleep with us sometimes, Sandwich de Archer Sage. It's fun. Last night he slept between us too and I woke up at some point in the wee morning hours, nose to nose with him. He must have been watching me because when I opened my eyes, he smiled. I had no idea being a momz would be so intense. I was warned about the early morning feedings but never prepared for the early morning smiles. These last five months have been awe-inspiring.
Anyway, moving. Tonight marks the eve of our big move into the grand palace royale: a two bedroom with a laundry room and small yard for the dogs. I know! I know! It is just too exciting to fathom! Bad news = our internet will be down for the week because the friggin DSL dude can't hook the shit up until Thursday which is annoying but whatever.
I hope everyone has a wonderful Halloween with their little ones decked out in their pumpkins and elephants and chicken eggs. We don't have any big plans, obviously. Archer will be swinging the night away in his devil costume as we unpack. Pics to follow.
GGC signing out on our last night on Detroit Street. No more cramped living. No more sharing a room with Archer in his too-small-for-a-five-month-old-bassinette. This is the big time. The fam is all growns up. Sniff.
Our Last Night
Posted by
Saturday, October 29, 2005

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